Tuesday, October 20, 2009 0 comments

Save secod base!

No, I'm not going to write about the Yanks and Angels game. sorry...I think.
This is about October being breast cancer awareness month. This time it really hits close to home. No, it's not b/c I have grown a sudden attachment to my girls. who's bra's so large it could provide shelter small villages in tahiti.
No this time it hits close to home b/c one of my closests friend was recently diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She's only 28 yrs old. Yes she was diagnosed with breast cancer during breast cancer awareness month. She's being very proactive about her treatments and all it encompasses. she's already shaved her head and bought some fabulous wigs. she's got the snuggie and an army of friends and family here for her for anything she needs. She is one of the strongest people I know. chuck norris cries in the fetal position when he sees her. she's going to kick this cancers ass like chuck norris would kick your ass...ok I can do better than that...damnit I shouldn't blog and watch the yankees play...go Yankees!
So, check your boobs. Yes you. Even dudes. ok not right now. I mean, if you really want to sure but if you're reading this in public, then um. ya know. that could be awkard. or fun. your choice. just maybe not in front of the children. or ugly dudes. or too many cameras.
you'd think going through ye ol' cancer thing so many times in the past couple years I' be stronger by now. used to it. but you never get use to it. you also never get jaded. maybe I'm stronger by now. I can hold off on not crying in front of my friend (for the most part). But cancer effects each person differently and each person effects your life differently as well.
yankeees winnn!!!!!
cancer sucks!!!
check yo self before you wreck yo self
an actual convo today at the bike shop w/my Dad:
bike shop dude: so yeah, you definitely need to replace the cable over here, its totally frayed.
dad: what's it afraid of?
bike shop dude: um. uh,
me and dad: bwhahaaa snort
bike shop dude: ohhhh. heh.
dad: sorry..we're moving. we've been through a lot. little things ..amuse.
so I'm going on a soft food diet for 3 weeks. I have a temporary crown in. yeah..not even 32 and I already have 4 crowns. awesome. so yeah maybe have some protein shakes with some added calcium and flouride. start drinking lots of tap water and milk from chuck norris' teet
dear liver: I am very very very sorry about this past weekend. my bad. it won't happen again. at least not until this weekend b/c alcohol counts as a soft food.
dear mind: gee thanks for taking a vacay Saturday night. where the hell were you after say.. 9 pm sat night? b/c I don't remember a damn thing.
sorry if I've been remis. travel, parents moving and just ya know, stuff. happens. I'll work on getting back in touch w/ya soon