Friday, December 4, 2009 0 comments

Oh Hai I was busy and stuff

so um. I kinda have been sucking lately about updating this thingy. Though the next time you see this it will be different and fabulous!..unless something happens to distract me causing me to rant and procastinate..much like this has always been.
So quick updates:
My parents moved into their new house! They sold the ol' homestead in 3 days. Kid. u. not. That's how much they rock. The warm and fuzzy thing is that the ppl who bought the place know my family- their sons use to play baseball w/my nephew.
They're settled into their 55 and over community about 50 miles south of here. They have some lovely neighbors from what I hear and their house has new house smell. mmm new house smell. yummy. It's up there as some of my favorite scents along with new car smell, sharpie markers and fabric softener.
Heather is still kicking breast cancers ass. She can rock a wig better than any tranny I know. not that she's tranny or looks like one, but it's just um seems that most ppl who wear wigs are men who ya know... um. er. whatever. she looks fabulous.
I would like to thank the kind and generous ppl who bought me savings bonds for my baptism back in 1978. Without them, or rather cashing them, I would not have been able to afford the repairs to my car. Yeah. that bad. for friggin headlights and tires! When some jackass car sales rep tells you that xenon headlights are good for the life of the car - take note that most ppl's idea of the life of a car is not past 100k miles apparantly. argh. one bulb costs 150 bucks! as much as my run flat tires.
So I hope ppl like macaroni neclaces- b/c that's what ya'll getting for Xmas this yera. Hey- they're wearable and edible! most items like that you can't wear in public w/out shame and scrutiny.
So yeah, I'll also be rockin the mass trans a lot more now. I know you're saying...but you just put all this money into your car to fix it... well ,yes. but my car is getting up there in miles. and just b/c you give grandma a new hip doens't mean you can make her keep running marathons. she's only going to need more work done to her, and well I think it's ok that she switch to water aerobics. oh like you've never compared your car to your grandma? really? just me? meh.

so await the next entry which will have sketches of some adventures I've had in the past few months- including Alaska, Colorado, WV, Bob Dylan, Mo Rocca and a variety of other stories and stuff.
yes, sketches. I want to try to do a sketch a day. I don't want to suffer from creative atrophie, which can happen when you use a comp/mouse and not a sketchpad/pen. So be prerared for some pretty sucky sketches at first. and less written rants. more visual rants. it'll be awesome. totally. bitchin even. tubular. gnarly. rad. whatevs. just stay tuned and stuff.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 0 comments

Save secod base!

No, I'm not going to write about the Yanks and Angels game. sorry...I think.
This is about October being breast cancer awareness month. This time it really hits close to home. No, it's not b/c I have grown a sudden attachment to my girls. who's bra's so large it could provide shelter small villages in tahiti.
No this time it hits close to home b/c one of my closests friend was recently diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She's only 28 yrs old. Yes she was diagnosed with breast cancer during breast cancer awareness month. She's being very proactive about her treatments and all it encompasses. she's already shaved her head and bought some fabulous wigs. she's got the snuggie and an army of friends and family here for her for anything she needs. She is one of the strongest people I know. chuck norris cries in the fetal position when he sees her. she's going to kick this cancers ass like chuck norris would kick your ass...ok I can do better than that...damnit I shouldn't blog and watch the yankees play...go Yankees!
So, check your boobs. Yes you. Even dudes. ok not right now. I mean, if you really want to sure but if you're reading this in public, then um. ya know. that could be awkard. or fun. your choice. just maybe not in front of the children. or ugly dudes. or too many cameras.
you'd think going through ye ol' cancer thing so many times in the past couple years I' be stronger by now. used to it. but you never get use to it. you also never get jaded. maybe I'm stronger by now. I can hold off on not crying in front of my friend (for the most part). But cancer effects each person differently and each person effects your life differently as well.
yankeees winnn!!!!!
cancer sucks!!!
check yo self before you wreck yo self
an actual convo today at the bike shop w/my Dad:
bike shop dude: so yeah, you definitely need to replace the cable over here, its totally frayed.
dad: what's it afraid of?
bike shop dude: um. uh,
me and dad: bwhahaaa snort
bike shop dude: ohhhh. heh.
dad: sorry..we're moving. we've been through a lot. little things ..amuse.
so I'm going on a soft food diet for 3 weeks. I have a temporary crown in. yeah..not even 32 and I already have 4 crowns. awesome. so yeah maybe have some protein shakes with some added calcium and flouride. start drinking lots of tap water and milk from chuck norris' teet
dear liver: I am very very very sorry about this past weekend. my bad. it won't happen again. at least not until this weekend b/c alcohol counts as a soft food.
dear mind: gee thanks for taking a vacay Saturday night. where the hell were you after say.. 9 pm sat night? b/c I don't remember a damn thing.
sorry if I've been remis. travel, parents moving and just ya know, stuff. happens. I'll work on getting back in touch w/ya soon
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 0 comments

journey to a journey

work until 6
go to kickball game
go to bar for 1 beer
go to ross to get carry on bag big enough to fit laptop and clothing for trip
and sunglasses. b/c I've lost or killed 6 pairs thus far this summer alone.
go back to work
finish projects and attempt to "check-in" online for flight.
"check-in" attempt somehow fails.
leave office at 12:30 ish. a.m.
go home and sort laundry
look up denver info
sleep for 3 hours
do laundry
highlight hair w/home highlighting kit while laundry washes
pack while laundry is in dryer
grab laundry still sorta damp from dryer, throw into hamper
throw hamper into car along with bags
hit tons of traffic en route to airport b/c of accident and rushhour
get on rt. 50 and head to 495.
clean out bag of old receiepts and tickets...
turn around and go back home
grab ticket under pile of stuff in living room. the $112 ticket you bought on stubhub b/c you didn't think to buy 2 tickets when you bought 1 and when you go to buy another, it's all sold out.
head back to airport.
traffic. accidents. traffic.
look at the time. oh. crap. no way.
call up coworker and tell her you can't make it to her house in time for her to bring you to the airport then for her to turnaround and make it to her fligth at another airport.
traffic. traffic. traffic.
debate between daily parking and long term parking... 9 vs 12 bucks.
daily parking is closer and would guarantee arrival to fligth you are already running very late for...
get to airport. holy shit 17 bucks a day for daily parking? 10 bucks a day for "economy"?
do the math. economy it is!
and there goes a shuttle bus to bring from the parking to the airport. walking is not an option.
wait for another bus. which makes at least 6 more stops along the way. each time with people with tons of luggage and who are moving at the pace of constipated hippos.
get to the airport with confirmation in hand and head to delta counter.
receive error message at check in screen
see an agent. it's about 9:18 a.m. flight is for 9:51 a.m.
see another special agent.
she types. she looks at me
you missed your flight she says.
you were supposed to be here half an hour before your flight.
look at watch to see it's 9:23.
try not to dry heave or scream or cry
agent says she can rebook on the 11 o clock flight
for 50 bucks.
hand over card.
head to gate.
open laptop to do some work.
no wi-fi. dulles, how I hate you.
head to denver for an amazing weekend.
so amazing that I might want to revisit on a permanent basis.
we'll see.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 0 comments

Moving up and out

I'll post stories of my travel adventures soon. I'm still going through over 2000 photos (!), and am trying to select some some gems which best illustrate the story.
I know when most folks come home from vacation posting photos is one of the first things they do, but I've been a little preoccupied since my return.
As I mentioned earlier I've been going through mounds of belongings (crap) to make room for my new roommate, my friend Alison whom I've known for about 16 years. But I wasn't the only one in my family with moving and disposing of crap on their agenda. My parents are selling their house and moving to a 55 and over community about 40 miles away.
My sister broke the news to me in tears, unable to hold it in before my parents told me. I sat there in shock trying to soak it in. Our parents have lived in that house since 1991. At one point we had 7 people living in the 5 er 6 bedroom house on the quiet cul de sac within walking distance to all of our schools and a lake. It's where we gather every Sunday like a norman rockwell a la Italian version for dinner. At one point it seemed as if we were recreating Queens N.Y in our neighborhood with my parents, my grandma and my sister (and nephew) all living within a half a mile of each other in separate homes. Life is never stagnant, and the family ideal will alwasy change. We just always hope it's for the better because change isn't alwasys good.
But it's not the house, it's what it symbolizes and what's inside. It means no more 15 minute jaunts over to visit Mom and Dad to sit on the front porch and have a glass of wine as we talk about our days or I borrow one of Dad's tools. No more Sunday dinners where we play pass the babies between bites of pasta.
But they'll only be about 45 minutes away. It'll be like moving from Queens to Long Island. They'll be near my brother and his fiance. And I know it'll be a good situation for them. Taking care of large house in your retirement days is not what someone wants to do. Always a repair or maintence or etc. The neighborhood is younger now and with most folks either too busy or keeping to themselves to have the almost monthly gatherings at someones house. Friends disperse in their own retirement suites around the coast.
The community they'll be moving to has many ammenities; a new home, golf cart community, and such. It'll be easier for my Mom to get around and my Dad won't have to contantly repair something or another and he can relax and theyc an both focus on their health
I think having your own place really helps with a transition like this. I think if I was renting I would feel like I was losing some sort of comfort or structure or etc. home.
Now that I am opening my home up to someone else it's really making me realize how one can get set in their ways when they live alone too long. esp when the place is one which you own (well, the bank really owns it but whatevs-no, not foreclosure- just crappy loan). But I needed that exercise in compormise as well as getting rid of toooooooooooons of shtuff. how the hell did I manage to accumulate so much junk? and sifting through it, dear god it's time consuming! And you have to sift though it b/c you might find something useful like ooh tax information and pin numbers that you've been looking for...oops.
Going through all of my belongings is a great thing to do when you're really close to being broke. It makes you realize just how wealthy you are in some aspects. And it really turns you off from doing any shopping except maybe food shopping.
It was great timing too. coming back from a trip, recharged and renewed with the gusto of life, it makes it easier to tackle the mounds of boxes and just toss what you don't need. It's hard when you know how much money you had spent on those items - but when you see less mounds of stuff you feel so much less of a burden upon yourself.
So my parents and I are living out our own personal HGTV specials. I wouldn't mind being the star of a different kind of tv special, but this works for now.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 0 comments

Random bits before I leave

Long Live Midgets!--Literally.

Women taller than 5-foot-2 may be missing a gene mutation that helps them reach their 100th birthday, according to a study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Suck it tall people! I will out-live your asses to see the apocolpyse!
...this is what a lifetime of having to hem pants and dresses will do to a gal. midget rage.

Cut off his pair if you can't jog in a pair
In the past week there have been two incidents in the DC metro area of female joggers being assulated. One incident was in broad fuckin daylight on the W & OD. the asshole was a white dude on a cruiser bike. The other incident was in rock creek park and the asshole was a drunken latino. The media and police are of course urging women to run in pairs.
How sad is it in todays world where a woman cannot go for a jog by herself w/out the fear of being raped? Sometimes running by yourself is the best form of therapy. I will take a path in the outdoors over a treadmill anyday, but now, not so much.
So I'm going to develop this special belt to wear while jogging. A holster if you will. It will hold mace/pepper spray, a knife, a cell phone w/digital camera, flares and marbles.
So it works like this- you first mace the dude, but if that doesn't do the trick then you cut his dick off with the knife. then you take a picture of the asshole with the cell phones digital camera as you call 911. then to help out the police you light off flares to make it easier for them to find the dickless bastard. and last but not least, the marbles to leave them in a path behind you for him to trip on a la scooby doo style.
I'm wondering hwo long it will take to patent this device. I need to make it light weight, stylish, yet effective.

Clean Sweep!
I'm getting a roommate shortly. Which means I need to get rid of about half my belongings, aka crap, to make room for her. It's going to be a good thing. I need to clean house and I need a bit of a restart as well.
I'm trying to pretend I'm in an episode of TLC's clean sweep. Though it would really help if I had a handsome English dude telling me what to throw away. And it seems I'm constantly on commercial break, meaning I um haven't exactly started yet. But I will soon. soon! yes..after these short messgaes...

Leaving on a a jet plane....
I'm going on a two week long vacation to the west coast. more specifically SF California, Canada and Alaska. I'm beyond excited. I can't wait to see my friends in SF and I've been wanting to go to Alaska for years. We're doing an Alaskan cruise- so not too much time in AK, but still, any bit I can get, I'll be estatic. AND this is the longest vacation I've been on! And no, this does not mean I'm money bags, it means my friend Heather and I are frugal ass dealin biatches. We're going on bike tours instead of aerial tours. and etc. The countdown begins...
follow me on twitter while I'm out there..well, if I can get cell reception while out there. and yes, my twitter name is geezthings
Monday, July 13, 2009 0 comments

People who rock

People who rock
A) Remy. watch all his videos If you don't laugh, then you're lame. or a douche. or an asshole.
B)Noodle and Co. in Old Town Fairfax. We sampled the entire menu last Thursday and I am still in noodle bliss. The Shift Lead "E" is adorable, and we all said with brick of rice krispy in hand that we'd love to work there.
C) damnit, I can't remember.
D) Michele from Criaglist for selling her vintage road bike to me! Yay!
E) Ben for showing Heather the ad on Craigslist for the bike
F) Raye Anne for helping me de-install my exhibit
G) Rebecca my awesome neighbor for driving me to the metro when I was sans wheels last week
H) er...crap...there was something else...
I) Heather, for showing me the Craigslist ad that Ben showed her
J)...j..j..j.... .. . . . .
K) the makers of beer and wine and spirits. which I could use right now. apparantly.

stay tuned for the list of ppl who make me drink! ..kidding. er. m. nope.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 0 comments

so um about that orange line...and brothels.

so um, apparantly there was an annoucement made on at least one of the orange line trains yesterday that they would not be stopping by the dunn loring line. a DCist reader heard it. me, not so much. maybe b/c I only got on one stop. and ppl don't normally take metro one stop.
so apparantly they didn't stop at dunn loring b/c the train was running behind schedule. So Dunn Loring isn't popular enough a stop to stop at. nope. not yours. go use some proactive and get more facebook friends Dunn Loring, then maybe metro will stop for you.

So a few years ago I had the experience of eating at Casa Blanca in Arlington, across from the cinema dafthouse. Until yesterday I thought it was a front for a brothel.
We walked in and were evntually greeted by a waitress wih a skirt so short her ass cheeks hung out when she walked in her knee high pleather spike heeled boots which tied her red halter top together as a certifieable hoochie outfit. All the waitresses wore this um, uniform.
The food was great. plantaines, yuca, empanadas, mmm. which we got about 45 mintes after we ordered. during that time several gentlemen would walk in, sit down at a table and a set of ass cheaks and boobs would great them and they would either get their food right away, or they would disapear to the room upstairs.
Casa Blanca closed over a year ago (I think) when some condos went up on the same block.
Yesterday I went to Shoppers Food Warehouse to do my usual go in to grab cat food and walk out w/50 bucks worth of food routine when I saw them; casa blanca tortillas. I looked at the address on the label, and sure enough it was listed at columbia pike! The place was legit, it wasn't a brothel. And if they did make some denero by selling some ass, then damn these are some good jalapenos tortilla made in a whorehouse.
which wait...when did the place close...and when were these packaged. ..
dios mio

I just finished watching a segment on wmusa 9 news " do we need men now that they have manufactured sperm?" everyone they inteviewed said we still need men. to cuddle, change the oil, kill bugs, put kids to bed at night, take out the trash and mow the lawn. They forgot a very important reason - to open up things. like jars. and can anyone help me get this drill bit out of my drill? I need to hang some shelves and stuff. by my self. no sperm needed! except for thr drill bit part. need to get the right bit into my bit part so i can screw some, not a euphanism. I'm talking about hardware here people!

metro why you hurt me so?

So, I like to take metro. a simple statement, but there is much behind it. I won't bore you with all that lies behind this statement, which would include rants on nova drivers, the environment and such.
My car was in the shop for a couple days and luckily it's located near Dunn Loring metro. btw I really think my new mechanics are great. I'm almost afraid to tell you who they are b/c I don't want to jinx things. maybe later. but now its time to talk metro.
So I was abe to get to and fro work and the mechanics by way of metro buses and trains. it was easy and great and I was even contemplating switching to taking metro to work from now on and swallowing a few bucks difference b/c of the payoffs (mainly that tysons traffic makes me a vile venom filled human until about noon- and car reapirsmaintenace cost $$).
Then on my way to dunn loring from west falls church (yes, I took the merto one stop b/c the bus system in fairfax is lacking in um, oh common sense. I'll get to that on another post). But the train never stopped at Dunn Loring. Not even a pause or a break. The train kept on going and going until we got to Vienna. There weren't any service announcements whatsoever to indicate that we were not going to stop in Dunn Loring.
I got off at Vienna looking and listening for some sign or information about what just happened. I saw about half a dozen somewhat confused and panic stricken folks who remained on the plattform as we got bulldozed by thousands of pedestrians who apparantly failed the obstacle course lesson in gym class in the 1st grade (hint: you see a sedentary object, you fuckin weave around it bicthes, don't expect my "omfg what just happend" ass to move- oh and dont' touch my wicked sensitive skin with your razor ass sharp finger nails to indictae you'll be getting off at the next stop WE ARE ALL GETTING OFF THE TRAIN- IT'S THE END OF THE LINE. THE TRAIN IS STILL MOVING. EXCUSE ME FOR NOT THROWING MY BODY IN FRONT OF THE FUCKIN DOOR WHILE IT'S STILL skin gets sensitive at certain times of the month.. .ahem).
So we get back on the next train going towards NCAR and voila, and thank god the train stopped at Dunn Loring.
At first I was wicked pissed b/c I needed to get to my mechanics by closing time and I didn't plan in my time schedule for metro to go flying past my stop. I mean, does anyone?
When the tragedy of the red car trains happend a couple weeks ago I continued to take metro thinking OK, don't let one incident shake you. I'm big into 2nd chances. for the most part. er hmm. well anyway.
But now, I'm worried. Esp after seeing the 11 o clock news last night about a metro employee who was caught on camera texting! So before watching the news I was thinking omg, the signal failed like it did on the red line train a couple weeks ago! But now I'm wondering if it was some slackass metro employee texting someone and forgetting about stopping at dunn loring.
Dunn Loring may not be the most populated and used stop, but it's still there, like many things that you don't want to do, but have to anyway- like taxes and changing the toilet paper roll.
I wrote to metro. Filled out an official complaint form. I doubt I will hear back from them. I'm contemplating contacting Dr.Gridlock from washpost and greater greater washingotn, since they are usually in the know of metro issues.
So I'm trying to get away from driving to work b/c well, my car has over 100k miles and needs tires a fuckingen! yes kids, run flat sports tires last about 18 months. and they cost 3x as much as regular tires, which last 3x as long. but they have saved my ass on multiple occassions. b/c apparantly my car has a pension for driving over sharp objects like, ooh nails.
Right, so, milage off the mini and onto my bike. I got a bike map of fairfax county and I'm not afraid to use. it. it's awesome. oh I also heart my bike shop too. again, afraid of jinxing. but i'll reveal them soon.
So according to the bike map, and street that would make a nice direct route from fairfax to tysons is not bike friendly. so i will be weaving around the county to get to work. I may start tomorrow. start on that 72 miles to lose a pound o fat. so maybe taking the long way to work is a good thing.
Monday, July 6, 2009 0 comments

Midgets & Virtual snobbery.

So the "little people" want to make it illegal to use the word midget. They're bringing it to the FCC.

As someone who is only 4 inches away from being a midget- yes, you little people heard me correctly I said the M word MIDGET! I love that word. Really. The way it rolls of the tongue like some vocaby latin word...midget.

I think the term "little people" sounds incredibly more demeaning. Children are called little people. Would you, as a vertically challanged adult want to be grouped in the same classification as humans who aren't potty trained ?

I think midget sounds much more technical. Scientific in fact. I can see someone in a lab coat, clipboard in hand, glasses on, peering into a microscope and say "yes in fact we found the midget gene. we need to start cathartization and increase 02 outputs in order to have the bionic marker complete." Could you see them say "little person" with the same staunch scientific demeanour? Mm nope.

If I was 4 inces shorter you bet your tall ass that I would demand to be called a midget. Scream it from the top of the step ladder! Midget! Say it w/your helium inflected voice! Embrace the word. Love the word. MMMMMidget.

So the Arlington snobbery has grown and in fact infected virtual lives. I'm talking about folks who live in Arlington who are not facebook friending those who live in Fairfax. Ok maybe the facebook friends request also came w/a very drunk message. But still.

Ok mister I made a funny video and became a youtube sensation, be that way, don't accept my virtual friendship. no hard feelings. really. I'm OK. I don't need to be one of your 4000 friends. I have my own pool of virtual friends who accept my friendship. pfflllt. Viva la fairfax bitches!

Oh and speaking of awesome youtube videos.
Literal Total eclipse of the heart

I really don't understand everyone's hard-on for Arlington. Ever since Dremos closed I find myself in DC more often. I mean, it has its awesomeness like the cinema drafthouse & etc. Maybe I am too old for the Arlington scene. Case in point:
A scene from a typical Arlington bar last week:

Me, wearing a VCU football t-shirt (this is funny b/c VCU doesn't have a football team. only 1 person got this)
Random dude at bar: Hey VCU football! hah, that's awesome! funny shirt since they don't have a team. I went there.
Me: You did? cool, when did you graduate?
Dude: 2006. When did you graduate?
Me: 1999.
Dude: Oh... um. uh. er.
Me: Yeah, so this t shirt is pretty much an antique. It's going to be worth a lot of money soon.

So Artomatic is done for the year. So sad. it was good times. met some great, talented folks. I'm def looking forward to next year. It sparked my hunger for doing art again and being more involved in the arts scene. Thanks to all those involved!
Monday, June 29, 2009 0 comments

biking away from the county

With my cruise to Alaska a month away I have gone into panic mode. and by panic I mean emergency weight loss mode. bring on the whey shakes and hours of bike riding. I was reading recently that for someone of my weight to lose 1 lb of body fat I can bike 72 miles, run 34 or walk 42...oh and have 64 sessions of sex. which would equate to me needing to have um sessions ooh about um 1900 times. well, actually it'd be more, b/c for someone who weighs 30 bs less than me, they need to have fun times 79 times. So, since I am single, this is not an option. And with the whole HIV scare in the porn industry, it doesn't look like that(becoming a porn star) is an option for me right now as well. Well, that and the fact that I wouldn't want to destroy the good family name and all. plus ron jeremy is icky. and by icky i mean he look like something a walrus crapped out.
Although, that could make a good pick up line. "excuse me, but would you please help me in my weight loss goal? I need to have sex about 2000 times in order to fit into a bikini."
hmm. yeah. so on the bike I go! just need to pedal er over 2000 miles in a month! just 72 miles a day... hmm 2k happy times seems much more fun. But if you see some chick biking all around NOVA, it's prob me, b/c I still can't get a date.

So in a post a week or so ago I wrote about how Fairfax CITY is the #3 place to live in by forbes. Not COUNTY. CITY. Yes our adorable little historic town which is surrounded by the ever growing and monstrous COUNTY.
So Proof positive that people in leadership roles are godamn idiots; a COUNTY board member wants to change the name of fairfax county to fairfax city. here, read on:
I'm just glad I wasn't part of electing this jackass to the board. OK here we go 1) you're a fuckin idiot. 2) don't try to steal out fuckin thunder. we're #3, not you, nope. us. with the good budgets and low taxes and crime rates stuff. pffllt. 3) do you have any fuckin clue how much money it would cost to rebrand all your shit from county to city 4) do you have any idea how much godamn confusion that would cause ppl? 5) do you know what that hole between your ass cheaks is? yeah its called your asshole which you are, so try not to speak form it.
The board members main argument is about road maintenance. The former supervisor, now a congressman thinks its a bad idea given the current budget shortfalls -ooh only 350 million gap. the current head supervisor thinks its ok to take a look at it. but she was also part of the whole 350 million gap too. so i reallly wouldn't trust her when it comes to making decisions on well, anything. maybe what color shoes she should wear. nah, she'd prob wear brown with black slacks.
wow, you know you're getting old when local politics piss you off.
I should use that energy to bike about 72 miles today
Friday, June 19, 2009 0 comments

this entry brought to you by

sam adams and um tequila and dos yeah
king size bed sheets- most esp fitted ones- can come in handy in case of fire. use them as a parachute- grab and jump from 3rd floor balcony. this hasn't been proven as safe as of yet. but ya know just in's an idea and an option
there is no shame in jello wrestling. its important life skills really.
the minute the antibiotics kick in is right around happy hour.
begone swine flu as i await my hangover in the morning
Monday, June 15, 2009 0 comments

#3 Place to live in!..according to Forbes

That's right folks! This gal here is a resident of the #3 Place to live in the U.S.! ...according to Forbes. That's totally the reason I haven't moved to the city hmm. Not b/c there is no way I can sell my place in this market and I have to fix it up big time before I can rent it out. But yeah. ya know. Number 3! It makes me feel better about not having moved to the city yet and being in the 'burbs of DC.
The article cites various factors in their decision making process, such as tax rates, independent water sources (we get out water from a's even bottled-the brita filter in my fridge is only for emergencies), affordable living, and household income (89k! hahahhaa...I SO do not contribute to that attribute/factoid.)

One thing it did not mention was the sense of community. It's a place where you can hang out at the pool on a Sunday afternoon and barter works among neighbors, plan a night of margaritas and swim with a gal you use to lifeguard with when you were a teen. Where working for 16 hours during a primary election is a day full of stories and smiles.

It has the small town atmosphere yet it's close enough to DC to enjoy all it has to offer.

Our Mayor and his family own a sweet shop/cafe. If that doesn't say friggin adorable town, then ppfffllllttt! Oh and 3 words; Chocolate Lovers Festival. Really? need I say more?
So we don't have too many highly educated 24-35 yr olds living here. They are living in Arlington, ya know, wearing brown flip flops and hanging out at the starbucks or the starbucks or the starbucks...
Maybe I'm waxing whatever to make myself feel better about my current living situation. But if so, then I've convinced myself that for now, it is a best place to live.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 0 comments

Scenes from the weekend

scenes from the weekend

Opening night of artomatic
I worked my volunteer shift at the beginning of the night with a fellow named Walter who provided much amusement as we found out we hung out at the same places years ago. We got to unload the beer from the truck and help out some band members (like the nice guys in Petworth) with dropping off their equipment and such. Hosting skills came in handy as they switched me to the front door. great group of friends came for opening night. Mused about fellow artist works. amazed and inspired by many. felt very humbled and realized I really need to get my art act together more. hung out on 9th and 2nd floor until zombie mode kicked in.
On the metro ride home...
two white dudes in their 20s apparantly got in a fight. I say apparantly b/c I was asleep with my library book open, wearing a hoodie and sneaks surrounded by drunken 20 yr olds wearing so much hair gel and sequence and takings dozens of dig pics I thought I was on the gay pride train. The train got quiet and people started moving to our end of the car. The short and scrawnier of the guys had blood all over his face and crisp white shirt-doing what I call the "angry seahawk". It's when a guy puts his arms out in a comfrontation way against the other person in a fight and usually 'say sup man c'mon'. I wonder what the fight was about... who twitters better ashton or john mayer perhaps? I mean what do white kids in their 20s fight about on the metro? My student loans from GW are higher than yours?
At the engagement party in Cville...
BBQ and cupcakes. cute name tags and hawaiian shirt. Her Dad plays in a band, which of course played at the party. She and her Mom danced the night away-big bonus points! My 19 month old neice totally stole the show with her hip swaying and even b girl moves on the dance floor. I danced with my Grandpa to sweet caroline and wondered how much longer he would remember the words to the song and be able to dance with his jazz hands. My 13 yr old nephew is in his OMG this is sooo embarrasing! stage. My Mom was able to wrangle him for a few minutes to dance with him until he noticed my Dad taking their picture. The end of the night winded down with promsies for a trip to a nearby vineyard the next day.
in Cville
Met Jenn for a yummy lunch in downtown cville. Went back to my car to see my hood ornament gone. sigh. The next car I own won't have a cool logo. There were distinctive fingerprints around it, but the police just said to fill out an incident report out online. Hung out in the nearby salad shop while doing so and looking up info about repalcement emblems. Talked cars with one of the guys there. the salad shop was one that Heather and I had talked about and wished they had one in nova. Its basically make your own salad. left feeling better but with 3 holes on the hood of my car. Everytime I lave cville I want to turn right back around and stay there. Its beautiful, in the moutnains, not too far from the water or DC and plenty of vineyards and microbrews nearby. I could open a strawberry picking farm I thought as I drove home, towards the traffic, towards the passive agressive emails awaiting my inbox at the office where I stayed until past midnight on a Sunday finishing up work that apparantly no one else can do and since I left an hour early Friday, I have to pony up. Pay 43 bucks for a new emblem and look at plane tickets to Denver for the end of September. Think more about selling my place and just renting in the city.
The emblem
I thought about not buying another emblem for my car. saving the money and such. I mean, its like botoxing an 80 yr old hooker. my girl has seen her days. she gets me to where I need to be and thats what matters right now. and it rides well too. but the more I look at the 3 holes in the hood the more it looks like a hooker who's wig has been torn off. combine that with all the rest of my cars imperfections and it just highlights how my car is falling apaprt. So I'll put the ornament back on and try to save what little beauty and dignity my car has left. Dignity can be bought for 43 bucks.
Thursday, May 28, 2009 0 comments


Yes, the anticipation of the event deserved an all caps headline.
I went to artomatic for, embarrisngly I might say, the first time. I know, I suck as someone working in the arts field living in metro-ish DC area to not have been to it the other previous oooh 8 years. ooh but wait, I was in um richmond like 9 yrs ago. so there!

So last year I vowed I would participate this year. Goal acomplished! But alas, what did I do, even with a years worth of planning? I kept changing my mind on what I wanted to display and at the very last minute I embarked on a half a dozen different projects and threw something together at the last minute. So it's definaltely not the best representation of my work. But its not 100% crap either. well art is subjective.

If you have never heard of Artomatic, I put together a little FAQ for ya'll. a little more personal than the site gives ya

Q: What is Artomatic?
A: It's a 5 week long art showcase in Washington DC. There will be close to 1000 visual artist and hundreds of performance artist including musicians and dancers.

Q: When is it?
A: Opening night is this Friday May 29th and it goes until July 5th!

Q: How much does artomatic cost?
A: It's FREEEEE! although donations are greaty appreciated. This is an all volunteer based event. From the security personnel to the bartenders and etc.

Q Where is it it located?
A This year it is located at the Navy Yard Metro - Nationals park exit. Yes, the building is directly on top of the metro exit. Liteally. Come out of the metro and take a right, then take another right to get into the main doors. I highly encourage metro-ing there.

Q: But I can't ride metro b/c I get motion sickness/I'm agoraphobic/joe biden told me not to in order to avoid swine flu.
A: There is parking available- however, please look at the Nationals schedule before heading over. If there is a game, then parking is limited or wicked $$. OR make a day of it- drive in for a Nats game and come see the show! Let me know, I'd love to join:)

Q: What floor is your installation located?
A: The 2nd floor. my installation is pretty random and w/out much direction. much like my life. or my english papers. Please also see my dear frind Heather Borra o Donnell on the 9th floor.

Q: Is the artwork for sale?
A: It depends on each artist. If you do want to purchase a piece please note that artwork cannot leave the building until the end of the show-for security reasons. There is a marketplace which will be open on select nigts where artsts can set up tables and such and you can bring your shwag home w/you that day.

Q: Is this a family friendly event?
A: If your "family" is OK w/seeing nudes- both male nd female- um, then um congrats? er. Our artist -esp on the floor I'm on, really like to use their freedom of expression and the right to bare, well a lot more than arms. So use your own judgdement or see this as a time to teach junior about nudity and art- real art- not the ladies who are missing their clothing in daddy's magazines.

Q: Will there be beverages - mainly alcoholic ones? esp after I see them nude paintings near the elevators on your floor.
A: yes, there will be 4 bars throughout the building plus mobile drink carts! warning pleassseee bring your ID. We are told we need to card everyone. yes even -80 yr olds. not my rules. and if we don't follow the rules we'll be blacklisted for future artomatic events. All proceeds from beverage sales go to the operation of artomatic.

Q : Is this why we haven't seen/heard from you and you didn't congratuate me on my birth of a child/divorce/b day/breakup/growth on my neck.
A: pretty much/congrats!/ birthday/congrats, I mean sorry/you really should get that checked out but I have a lovely scarf for you to borrow in the meantime.

Q: DC is kinda a hike for me. I'd be up for a weekend trip if thee is crash space available.
A: my place can sleep about 5. 6 if you're skinny and you like to spoon. or both. I promise I will have my cat's valium prescription refilled by then.

Q: How long does it take to see all the work?
A: 9 floors /1000's like the louvre, you can't do it in a few minutes. Ok so its not exactly like the louvre-dan brown hasn't written a book about us and ya know, we're not in france...and stuff.. ok whatever. lots of stuff. take lots of time. enjoy. come back often!

Q:Are there any special nights to come, iek say, meet the artist night?
A: Yes, Funny you should ask! June 13th is meet the artist night!

Q: your cat's on valium?
A: you think these marks are from losing a battle with a ninja? no, these are from not feeding a feral cat at 5 a.m.

Q: Whom do you feel best explemifies your work in a time period persona nothwithsatanding the idealism behind impresisonism and the like?
A: dude, its called artomatic and I have a BFA from the top rated state art school in the country. so pffflllllt. leave your pretenses at the door and enjoy the show. and get a tattoo while you're there. I am ;)
Friday, May 8, 2009 0 comments

Bishops Beer and Basil

What is this I see before my eyes..oculd it be. No. no, it simply can't. It's been so long, I almost have forgotten what it looks is..SUN! Holy bajesus there is a break in the monsoon and the clouds have opened and the heavens are shining upon us ..ahh euphoria on a Friday Good times.
Speaking of jesus and heaven and stuff...
Signs you perhaps drink a little too much beer. microbrews at that: during your nephew's confirmation ceremony, you notice that the Bishop's staff looks a lot like the tap handle for Magic Hat 9.


I mean, it does seem appropriate b/c at times, or for some, drinking can be a religious experince. Some find god in church, I often times find it in a nice pint of beer.
So in my last post I made mention of growing a balcony full of fruitful vegetative bounty...from seed. Some might call this a recession garden. well, perhaps if I started planting the seeds when the recession started then I would have a garden by now.
Right now I have a bunch of 2 inch high seedlings. Which I can't tell appart except for the squash. Why? b/c er when I went to take them out of their starter pods into some cow pots (pots made out of cow manure!) and place them on the balcony to start their "hardening" phase. I um, I pulled a Gina (pulling a Gina can mean two things 1) that you do some klutzy thing that normally only happens in qauasi slapstick movies a la bridgette jones or 2) you fall alseep on a really comfy couch when a party is in full swing) I tripped and soil, pots seedlings went flying all over my balcony. my perfectly mapped out plan of where everything was planted was moot. On the plus side, I was able to save most of the seedlings and replant them.
So I have no idea what anything growing is at the moment. And holy crap does it take godamn long to grow stuff from seeds! And things that you think would be easy to grow like ooh petunias, yeah not so easy. But whatever, my organic hybrid heirloom tomatoes are doing well. I think. Or is that the basil? I try veery hard not to stop by those stands in shopping centers and buy already grown and ripe plants. must resist. I can do this. Stop taunting me you lucsious tomatoes, I will not take you home with me! ...I'm talking to fruit. this may be yet another reason why I am single.
Signs you are getting old...
You get excited about a sale at an upscale womens boutique outlet store aka Talbots. Where you run into your Mom.
And spekaing of my Mom. For mothers day there is something I want to give my Mom, but there is no way. I want to give her her sight back. She's currently learning brail. My Mom has Retinitis Pigmentosa. RP is a degneration of the rods and cones in retina your eyes. Night blindness, tunnel vision, cateracs and eventual blindness.
She has been classified as legally blind since 1976. So she has been legally blind before I was even born. We were always aware of her RP. Oftentimes it doens't phase me. Growing up bumming rides off ppl, or taking her arm at night to guide her are all part of normal life.
I sometimes think the reason I went into the art field was that I felt that since I am the only member of my family with perfect vision (supposidly) that I was to carry on the family art trade. use my gift of sight.
But the bittersweetness of that is there will come a time when my Mom won't be able to see the work I create. And if I continue with my current suckass luck with men, she probably won't see me get married or have children. But she is here with me, physically, emotionally, spiritually, as a hero, a friend, and a confidant....
and if you there a paaaartay aaaand invited everyone you knewwwwww you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the caaard attached would say Thank you for being a friend....
RIP Bea Arthur. Good night funny lady. glad I was able to see you in 2002. thanks for the memories.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 0 comments

Hot in the city tonight

So I continue to amaze my HVAC technician with how long I am willing to go without replacing my system. I think right now its about 22 years old. they usually have a life of about 15 yrs. I grew up in a house w/out AC... which OK happened to be in upstate NY so we didn't need AC in the house. Now living in northern virginia, ye ol' AC is often times needed. and by often, I mean the average person in NOVA turns their AC on around April and has it running full blast until November. But I try not to use it too often. I prefer to keep my place in a birkham yoga studio environment of 105 degrees. you never know when you might want to break out in the lotus pose.
OK fine, do you know how much money a new HVAC unit is? yeah, trying throwing that cost on your credit cards Hah! so instead i added about 200 bucks of frion to keep the bad boy running and I'll just plan on ya know, doing lots of birkham yoga this summer. ya know, get all zen and stuff. it'll be good. fabulous. really. sweat out the anxiety! er anyone know anyone who can help me install some ceiling fans? anyone?...

Signs you work in the "overhead" department of a "not for profit"
1) your annual "team building" event is being held in the parking lot
2) which you have to use either vacation time or make up the time thorughout the week to attend this event
3) its a bbq (you're a vegetarian...) and you're still required to bring a side dish
4) no alcohol. the only activity aside from eating is a volleyball net overrun by weeds and ticks.
5) your 'all hands" meeting consisted of an hour long powerpoint presentation where no sustance was provided. byo...everything. whereas the other "techincal staff" departments got either pizza with cookies or 3 course meal with brownies catered. not from costco.
6) ppl who are in these "technical staff departments" argue about not getting married bc then they would have to pay 46k more a year in taxes...sigh. if only i had that problem. with my 3 jobs i worked last year...I prob make how much they currenlty get taken out of their taxes...

Speaking of money....
So if you ever want to randomly cry, you are more than welcome to look at my 403b statement from 08. the good news is that this past quarter in 09 i have gained .7%! so now i just need to gain 39.1% more to break even to what my balance was in 07! sigh. i'll be working FOREVER just like all you lovely folsk. we'll be wal-mart greeters together. work at bingo halls. it'll be awesomer than a golden girls rerun!

I was going to write a post yesterday about taxes and the whole tea parties - and make lots of bad jokes about tea bagging and the gov't. but yeah i was too busy doing my taxes...shadup

My latest money saving idea: growing my own garden from SEEDS! ok granted, instead of going to rite aide and buying those 5 for a buck packets of seeds i went online to a specaility seed site and spent well, a little too much money. c'mon, you can't grow just ANY type of eggplant on a balcony. yes, balcony. I'm atempting to grow over 30 varieties of plant life on my balcony. it can be done. it will be done. just you see. in ya know 3 months after they all germinate and stuff.

Metro Taking shape! yes virginia, it's true. all that clear cutting around the tysons area is to make room for the metro. by the time it gets here i'll prob have moved to DC or something. the island of capri, maybe. leave it to vdot and other folks to simutaneously have costruction of the HOT lanes as well as the metro in the tysons area. apparantly me taking mass trans to work would actually cost 8k more a year than driving. so its tough hippies. maybe i'll use my tax moolah to buy a used road bike on craigslist and bike to work. ya know, go full blown eco-gal, with my balcony veggie garden and biking to work.

my new diet plan:
well, let's look at the old one for a sec... measure everything, eat healthy, count calories, workout...and the scale no budges.
new plan: become so godamn stressed at work you live off of the fun size chocolate and candies in the admins basket, wine and whatever else your family forces upon you. the scale stays the same, but pants feel loser. meh. on the downside, the taste of stomach acid is pretty gross. so, me thinks its time to start puttin ye old resume and portfolio together. on the plus side, the stomach acid has not damaged my teeth yet! that's according to my new dnetal hygenist who says they are beautiful! though she encourages me to start sleeping with someone to see if i night grind. totally my new pick up line.

So enough about me...
upcoming things to do!
Filmfest DC!
Earth day fest headined by the flaming lips! volunteer activities galore too!

Staurday from 2-4 art reception opening for fairfax city in old town hall.
moe to come and stuff...netx time..less on me..more for you! i'll sotp usign this as therapy soon. i promise, really. shadup

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 0 comments

finding a happy place

As if it wasn't hard enough to try not to strangle myself with my cat5 cable at work, now my mornings became more bleak. the radio station which my alram clock is set to wake me up in the morning has changed formats. now instead of waking up to the sounds of my fantasy boyfriends mick jagger and robert plant, i woke up this morning to...god, i think it was taylor swift. i couldn't listen too long b/c i started dry heaving and had to head to the bathroom and do shots of pepto.

And i went to their website and holy who the hell designed this shit?! I mean not only is their new name wicked lame 94.7 Fresh!..holy god. it looks like the graphic and web designers have a sick addiction to golden girls laying bathroom tiles circa 1978. I mean god, i know money is tight, but who the hell did they hire to do their new branding? some hack who got his degree online? maybe one of the DJs they laid off got a copy of frontpage or something.

And its not like the other "classic rock" station is any better- I turned to it and not only were they playing a COVER of the beatles, it transitioned into some sort of kenny loggins or rogers crap- you know one of those songs on those 20 disc CD sets which they try to sell with some washed up 70s song writer on some pre fab set where the background looks like they raided the housewares department at TJ Maxx.

this is what happens when I wake up before my alloted 4 snoozes. I become irate about stufff station formats and graphic design...and yeah.

anyhoo so yeah. work is. sigh ... i tried to write a blog entry the other day about it, but every other word was hate filled and basically the F bomb. I know things could be worse. listening to NPR this morning really humbled me as I hear about folks in Detriot being out of work for over 7 months. so my mantra lately has been " i have a job i have a job i have a job i have a job"

I also have a voodoo doll... given as a gift. more to use as a desk trinket. The first time i used it, it worked! ok, it could have been mere coincidence that the night i stuck a torn up note from my manager to the doll was the same night she got a wicked bad flat tire and had to call AAA. coincidence, kharma, voodoo whatevs.

oh p.s. if someone asks you what color you hair is- strawberry blonde or blonde, the correct answer is NOT "8w". eh, whatevs. ..i used to be a natural straw blonde. then i dunno. it started turning icky auburn and bleah. and so 8 bucks a 20 minutes will get you back to your roots.

Now if I could only get back to my happy place....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 0 comments

yoou hoo over here. yup. still here.

Hey Kids,
so um,. it's uh spring. ok i suck. i promise i'll have this up soon. a newly designed blog site to clog up the interwebs and add to your RSS feeds! yessssss. aren't you excited?
I have good reasons. really.
so um. i'm kinda having to be on my best behavior at work. yeah that whole bad reviews and i won't get into it or else i'll end up crying and throwing things and in the fetal position under my desk rocking back and forth saying things like she doesn' t even know where the fuck her godamn transfer folder is yet i get a fuckin 2- rating!?!!
good thing i currently only work 1 job, ditched grad school and am single, so i can spend extra hours in the office and then head to the gym where i am on a search to find my collarbone!
yes, my collarbone. or as some might put it- trying to get this fat off my body. yeah mother natures 31st birthday gift to me was a slow as fuck metabolism. and 10 fuckin pounds to boot.
seriously. it used to be you gain a couple pounds over the holidays, then you live off oatmeal and veggie soup and hit the gym for a few days and voila, back to normal. oh ho ho noooo not anymore. nooooope. go to the gym every day, keep track of every thing you eat in an excel spreadsheet and have a good looking guy pinch your fat. no, thats not something kinky. one of our trainers here at work is good looking and part of the class i'm enrolled in is doing this body comp where he takes out calipers and pinches my bare flesh. in several locations. so yeah, the last guy to see my bare middrift pinched it with a claw like device. hot. welcome to my life.

chubby girl on egg shells at work. awesome.

I've also been trying to get my condo clean and stuff. its quit a feet. when your dad says to you "you might want to clean it up so you can have some guests over of the male persuation" (yes, my dad talks all classy and articulate like that in a NY accent). so when your dad is essentially saying. dude, your place is a friggin stye, no man would want to come over to this mess. or no wonder you're not getting any boo taye - if you want a man you gots to gets this crib ca leeean ya dig? ..well then you know its time to start making a dent in things.
plus i am still pondering the plan to rent it out and move to da city.

so in essence...i'm alive. just, ya know. blah.

so I will def have this blog revamped so that i can have a fun outlet and stuff. just you wait and see! i'll get you my pretty! and your little dog too!
Friday, January 2, 2009 1 comments

bring it on 09!

bring it on 09!
yes that was part of some text messages I may have sent to some folks in not the most sober of states this new years. I don't normally quote cheerleading movie titles (admit it., you saw it!) whilst juxtaposing a new year messgae but hey, it's 09.
And I am actually at work. one of the few, the proud, the ones who actually have work. deadlines. which will earn them a 1.81% raise. sigh. so you can probably guess what one of my resolutions may be for 09.
And I'm already falling behind on some resolutions already since this site hasn't been revamped- but that's b/c I'm busy putting together bafana packets for folks. also known as" i- totally- didn't get -my -xmas -cards -out- in- time,- but- thankgod- i'm- italian- so -i- can -say- i'm- celebrating- la -befana- on- tuesday- and- send -out- cards- then". so there. procastiantion and Social faux pas saved by heritage! yess!
But hey, I took the bike rack off my car. and i will lose weight by doing so. how come? b/c w/out the prong like device sticking out the rear of my mini i can't find my car in the parking lot amongs a sea of land yahts. I'll just have to make sure i don't look lost and vunerable like those women in those brochures for self defence classes.
I'm going to save the babble about my hopes and dreams and resolv for the new year- b/c you'll most likely hear about them somehow along the way. Instead I leave you with thes images. why oh why did i not get these as gifts for my bday/xmas this year?

the huggie arm is like what mormon girls give each other instead of vibrators. lonely tonight? don't have a man? Do I have something for YOU! ..and then you can look at the statue and to get tips on what you would be doing if you weren't being hugged by a stuffed arm.

only 2700 bucks on! does anyone else wonder what the little boys face looks like or is that just creepy? this could make a lovely gift for your local pastor. Its kids, its a sculpture! fine ok its bronzed image of lil kids ya know...birds n bees-ing.
now, if you don't have 2700 bucks to throw down, but you're still looking for a "fun" gift, well look no further my friends than the Horn Dog Marshmellow or Hot Dog Roasters!

something tells me these may not be appropriate for campfires at bible camp...
I'm sure you can mix it up and put marshmellows on the male stick figure and hot dogs on the lady's prongs. thus resulting in a male with a white goop crotch and a lady with torpedo boobs. so its like doing stick figure over the campfire- ooh shadow puppet reanctment of the tommy lee and pamela anderson video! oh and who ever said camping was good clean fun never had a horndog cooker and an imagination! leave the pron at home and bring these camping!

And no, I'm not still drunk from Wednesday. All work and no play make gina a punchy girl. or really offensive. whatevs. if you want a bafana packet and have yet to give me your addrss, there is still time! email me and I will get something to you in the mail next week.