Wednesday, July 8, 2009

metro why you hurt me so?

So, I like to take metro. a simple statement, but there is much behind it. I won't bore you with all that lies behind this statement, which would include rants on nova drivers, the environment and such.
My car was in the shop for a couple days and luckily it's located near Dunn Loring metro. btw I really think my new mechanics are great. I'm almost afraid to tell you who they are b/c I don't want to jinx things. maybe later. but now its time to talk metro.
So I was abe to get to and fro work and the mechanics by way of metro buses and trains. it was easy and great and I was even contemplating switching to taking metro to work from now on and swallowing a few bucks difference b/c of the payoffs (mainly that tysons traffic makes me a vile venom filled human until about noon- and car reapirsmaintenace cost $$).
Then on my way to dunn loring from west falls church (yes, I took the merto one stop b/c the bus system in fairfax is lacking in um, oh common sense. I'll get to that on another post). But the train never stopped at Dunn Loring. Not even a pause or a break. The train kept on going and going until we got to Vienna. There weren't any service announcements whatsoever to indicate that we were not going to stop in Dunn Loring.
I got off at Vienna looking and listening for some sign or information about what just happened. I saw about half a dozen somewhat confused and panic stricken folks who remained on the plattform as we got bulldozed by thousands of pedestrians who apparantly failed the obstacle course lesson in gym class in the 1st grade (hint: you see a sedentary object, you fuckin weave around it bicthes, don't expect my "omfg what just happend" ass to move- oh and dont' touch my wicked sensitive skin with your razor ass sharp finger nails to indictae you'll be getting off at the next stop WE ARE ALL GETTING OFF THE TRAIN- IT'S THE END OF THE LINE. THE TRAIN IS STILL MOVING. EXCUSE ME FOR NOT THROWING MY BODY IN FRONT OF THE FUCKIN DOOR WHILE IT'S STILL skin gets sensitive at certain times of the month.. .ahem).
So we get back on the next train going towards NCAR and voila, and thank god the train stopped at Dunn Loring.
At first I was wicked pissed b/c I needed to get to my mechanics by closing time and I didn't plan in my time schedule for metro to go flying past my stop. I mean, does anyone?
When the tragedy of the red car trains happend a couple weeks ago I continued to take metro thinking OK, don't let one incident shake you. I'm big into 2nd chances. for the most part. er hmm. well anyway.
But now, I'm worried. Esp after seeing the 11 o clock news last night about a metro employee who was caught on camera texting! So before watching the news I was thinking omg, the signal failed like it did on the red line train a couple weeks ago! But now I'm wondering if it was some slackass metro employee texting someone and forgetting about stopping at dunn loring.
Dunn Loring may not be the most populated and used stop, but it's still there, like many things that you don't want to do, but have to anyway- like taxes and changing the toilet paper roll.
I wrote to metro. Filled out an official complaint form. I doubt I will hear back from them. I'm contemplating contacting Dr.Gridlock from washpost and greater greater washingotn, since they are usually in the know of metro issues.
So I'm trying to get away from driving to work b/c well, my car has over 100k miles and needs tires a fuckingen! yes kids, run flat sports tires last about 18 months. and they cost 3x as much as regular tires, which last 3x as long. but they have saved my ass on multiple occassions. b/c apparantly my car has a pension for driving over sharp objects like, ooh nails.
Right, so, milage off the mini and onto my bike. I got a bike map of fairfax county and I'm not afraid to use. it. it's awesome. oh I also heart my bike shop too. again, afraid of jinxing. but i'll reveal them soon.
So according to the bike map, and street that would make a nice direct route from fairfax to tysons is not bike friendly. so i will be weaving around the county to get to work. I may start tomorrow. start on that 72 miles to lose a pound o fat. so maybe taking the long way to work is a good thing.

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