Friday, December 4, 2009 0 comments

Oh Hai I was busy and stuff

so um. I kinda have been sucking lately about updating this thingy. Though the next time you see this it will be different and fabulous!..unless something happens to distract me causing me to rant and procastinate..much like this has always been.
So quick updates:
My parents moved into their new house! They sold the ol' homestead in 3 days. Kid. u. not. That's how much they rock. The warm and fuzzy thing is that the ppl who bought the place know my family- their sons use to play baseball w/my nephew.
They're settled into their 55 and over community about 50 miles south of here. They have some lovely neighbors from what I hear and their house has new house smell. mmm new house smell. yummy. It's up there as some of my favorite scents along with new car smell, sharpie markers and fabric softener.
Heather is still kicking breast cancers ass. She can rock a wig better than any tranny I know. not that she's tranny or looks like one, but it's just um seems that most ppl who wear wigs are men who ya know... um. er. whatever. she looks fabulous.
I would like to thank the kind and generous ppl who bought me savings bonds for my baptism back in 1978. Without them, or rather cashing them, I would not have been able to afford the repairs to my car. Yeah. that bad. for friggin headlights and tires! When some jackass car sales rep tells you that xenon headlights are good for the life of the car - take note that most ppl's idea of the life of a car is not past 100k miles apparantly. argh. one bulb costs 150 bucks! as much as my run flat tires.
So I hope ppl like macaroni neclaces- b/c that's what ya'll getting for Xmas this yera. Hey- they're wearable and edible! most items like that you can't wear in public w/out shame and scrutiny.
So yeah, I'll also be rockin the mass trans a lot more now. I know you're saying...but you just put all this money into your car to fix it... well ,yes. but my car is getting up there in miles. and just b/c you give grandma a new hip doens't mean you can make her keep running marathons. she's only going to need more work done to her, and well I think it's ok that she switch to water aerobics. oh like you've never compared your car to your grandma? really? just me? meh.

so await the next entry which will have sketches of some adventures I've had in the past few months- including Alaska, Colorado, WV, Bob Dylan, Mo Rocca and a variety of other stories and stuff.
yes, sketches. I want to try to do a sketch a day. I don't want to suffer from creative atrophie, which can happen when you use a comp/mouse and not a sketchpad/pen. So be prerared for some pretty sucky sketches at first. and less written rants. more visual rants. it'll be awesome. totally. bitchin even. tubular. gnarly. rad. whatevs. just stay tuned and stuff.