Friday, December 12, 2008 0 comments

H is for hiatus

Hiatus. that's the word of the day kids. As in I am taking a Hiatus from grad school. Yup. Hiatus meaning I want to eventually return to the program, but the current program is not conducive to my work life schedule at the moment. which is essentially what i told the review committe. we all agreed it was a wise decision.
hiatus, meaning I shall return. I'll be back. just ya know, not next semester. I'll still take classes. but most likely at nova. classes that I should have taken before I started the program.
So yeah. lessons learned. the lesson- don't ever fuckin take more than 2 grad classes while working full time.
I know some folks do the whole grad school full time bit. but dude. i'm almost 31 with an ass-ton of debt/loans, and the profession I'm going into would mean a 20% pay cut from my curent job, which barely pays the bills right now. so um. yeah. I'm doing the full time job it unitl this whole winning the lottery bit pays out.
After I left the review meeting I started thinking about what I could or would do now with this new freedom of having no grad schtuff to deal with for at least 6 months...I could go to GYM! holy crap i never thought my thighs would yearn for a stationary bike. I could do YOGA! I could come home from work and watch a movie or a tv show W/OUT GUILT. I could take up KNITTING! OMG. and then of course I looked through websites about other grad programs and through various catalogs trying to find activities to fill up my time. and drafting up a timeline of events to happen; relaunch website, substitute teach, volunteer at smithsonian, go to costa rica, get nose job, buy wacom drawing tablet. ya know, save the world too. in that order, of course.
I can have a LIFE! oh my god.
So last night was my last final. and it would not be a gina final without file and equipment failure. good times. but it's done. done. done. free at last free at last thank god almighty i'm free at last.(apologies to MLK)
So now I have a few weeks to rethink my life direction and stuff.
And hey, maybe that direction is not teaching. who knows. i know i currently can't go 18 weeks w/out working (18 weeks is needed for student teaching) so hm. yeah. decisions. we'll see.
it's funny how this time of year makes you realize how good you have it. amist stories of layoffs and other dificulties in life, i think ok, so I did pretty horrible in my first semester of grad school. but ya know what, my job honestly isn't that bad. and i have a job. and great friends and a great family including an adorable neice who i got to take her first independent steps the other day!

so basically..this blog will transition back to a quasi DCist type. instead of me bitching about life I will actually have fun activities for folks to participate in. such as ..
seeing International Graduate University play at the red and black this thursday with karate coyote.
And anti commercialism caroling on friday in Georgetown... sing the tune away in a sweatshop...(sung to the tune of away in a manger). so lots fo fun activitis coming up, so check back for some fun postings and less bitching.
and fun pics too.
if this is what santa looked like, you bet yoruass i'd be good all year!

i heart me some
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 1 comments

hang me up to dry..i've been rung out too many times.

after the convo i had with the head of the department...i um. might need to rethink my um path or something.
...could write so much. could rant so much. but i am so done. yet no. it's like i'm at mile 20 in a marathon and someone just tripped you, you fell, you're injured, you don't know if you can finish the race. but you've already come 20 miles so far. so what if it was at a 15 minute mile pace b/c you didn't train enough. b/c you thought you could handle this marathon b/c you know how to run and you're an athlete and tons of ppl run marathons and..and...
so maybe i can write about it. the person tripping me would be the department head. the finish line is just the fuckin semester. i don't know if i will be allowed back next semester. yeah i've been running that bad. the whole full time job and school full time. god it fuckin sucks. and it shows. in my work. very apparantly. but they don't care. they don't care that you're injured. or why you're sick, or how you're holding up.
i really want to be an art teacher . but now, i don't know what my options are at this point. i was doing well. i was doing ok. then all o a sudddenly i had a bunch of projects due ..and it took longer than i anticipated..and a bunch of other stuff happened in my life as well.
and they act like they care...but they don't. i could tell them - hey my brother had a fuckin brain tumor removed the day i interviewed for this program and he's currently undergoing chemo. but they don't fuckin care.
maybe..i just drop out. and just do a whole bunch of volunteer teaching and subsitute teaching and then apply at the corcoran and yeah, take out a shit ton of loans and hey, maybe i'll work in the DC public schools.
or maybe i can learn another language and join the peace corp.
maybe ill marry some rich guy and i can just be a freelance designer and artist
maybe i'll turn into a pumpkin at fuckin midnight.
at least then i could be made into a pie. right now i'm only good enough to be on the bottom of someone's shoe.