Friday, May 8, 2009

Bishops Beer and Basil

What is this I see before my eyes..oculd it be. No. no, it simply can't. It's been so long, I almost have forgotten what it looks is..SUN! Holy bajesus there is a break in the monsoon and the clouds have opened and the heavens are shining upon us ..ahh euphoria on a Friday Good times.
Speaking of jesus and heaven and stuff...
Signs you perhaps drink a little too much beer. microbrews at that: during your nephew's confirmation ceremony, you notice that the Bishop's staff looks a lot like the tap handle for Magic Hat 9.


I mean, it does seem appropriate b/c at times, or for some, drinking can be a religious experince. Some find god in church, I often times find it in a nice pint of beer.
So in my last post I made mention of growing a balcony full of fruitful vegetative bounty...from seed. Some might call this a recession garden. well, perhaps if I started planting the seeds when the recession started then I would have a garden by now.
Right now I have a bunch of 2 inch high seedlings. Which I can't tell appart except for the squash. Why? b/c er when I went to take them out of their starter pods into some cow pots (pots made out of cow manure!) and place them on the balcony to start their "hardening" phase. I um, I pulled a Gina (pulling a Gina can mean two things 1) that you do some klutzy thing that normally only happens in qauasi slapstick movies a la bridgette jones or 2) you fall alseep on a really comfy couch when a party is in full swing) I tripped and soil, pots seedlings went flying all over my balcony. my perfectly mapped out plan of where everything was planted was moot. On the plus side, I was able to save most of the seedlings and replant them.
So I have no idea what anything growing is at the moment. And holy crap does it take godamn long to grow stuff from seeds! And things that you think would be easy to grow like ooh petunias, yeah not so easy. But whatever, my organic hybrid heirloom tomatoes are doing well. I think. Or is that the basil? I try veery hard not to stop by those stands in shopping centers and buy already grown and ripe plants. must resist. I can do this. Stop taunting me you lucsious tomatoes, I will not take you home with me! ...I'm talking to fruit. this may be yet another reason why I am single.
Signs you are getting old...
You get excited about a sale at an upscale womens boutique outlet store aka Talbots. Where you run into your Mom.
And spekaing of my Mom. For mothers day there is something I want to give my Mom, but there is no way. I want to give her her sight back. She's currently learning brail. My Mom has Retinitis Pigmentosa. RP is a degneration of the rods and cones in retina your eyes. Night blindness, tunnel vision, cateracs and eventual blindness.
She has been classified as legally blind since 1976. So she has been legally blind before I was even born. We were always aware of her RP. Oftentimes it doens't phase me. Growing up bumming rides off ppl, or taking her arm at night to guide her are all part of normal life.
I sometimes think the reason I went into the art field was that I felt that since I am the only member of my family with perfect vision (supposidly) that I was to carry on the family art trade. use my gift of sight.
But the bittersweetness of that is there will come a time when my Mom won't be able to see the work I create. And if I continue with my current suckass luck with men, she probably won't see me get married or have children. But she is here with me, physically, emotionally, spiritually, as a hero, a friend, and a confidant....
and if you there a paaaartay aaaand invited everyone you knewwwwww you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the caaard attached would say Thank you for being a friend....
RIP Bea Arthur. Good night funny lady. glad I was able to see you in 2002. thanks for the memories.

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