Tuesday, April 7, 2009

finding a happy place

As if it wasn't hard enough to try not to strangle myself with my cat5 cable at work, now my mornings became more bleak. the radio station which my alram clock is set to wake me up in the morning has changed formats. now instead of waking up to the sounds of my fantasy boyfriends mick jagger and robert plant, i woke up this morning to...god, i think it was taylor swift. i couldn't listen too long b/c i started dry heaving and had to head to the bathroom and do shots of pepto.

And i went to their website and holy ...wtf. who the hell designed this shit?! I mean not only is their new name wicked lame 94.7 Fresh!..holy god. it looks like the graphic and web designers have a sick addiction to golden girls laying bathroom tiles circa 1978. I mean god, i know money is tight, but who the hell did they hire to do their new branding? some hack who got his degree online? maybe one of the DJs they laid off got a copy of frontpage or something.

And its not like the other "classic rock" station is any better- I turned to it and not only were they playing a COVER of the beatles, it transitioned into some sort of kenny loggins or rogers crap- you know one of those songs on those 20 disc CD sets which they try to sell with some washed up 70s song writer on some pre fab set where the background looks like they raided the housewares department at TJ Maxx.

this is what happens when I wake up before my alloted 4 snoozes. I become irate about stufff like..radio station formats and graphic design...and yeah.

anyhoo so yeah. work is. sigh ... i tried to write a blog entry the other day about it, but every other word was hate filled and basically the F bomb. I know things could be worse. listening to NPR this morning really humbled me as I hear about folks in Detriot being out of work for over 7 months. so my mantra lately has been " i have a job i have a job i have a job i have a job"

I also have a voodoo doll... given as a gift. more to use as a desk trinket. The first time i used it, it worked! ok, it could have been mere coincidence that the night i stuck a torn up note from my manager to the doll was the same night she got a wicked bad flat tire and had to call AAA. coincidence, kharma, voodoo whatevs.

oh p.s. if someone asks you what color you hair is- strawberry blonde or blonde, the correct answer is NOT "8w". eh, whatevs. ..i used to be a natural straw blonde. then i dunno. it started turning icky auburn and bleah. and so 8 bucks a 20 minutes will get you back to your roots.

Now if I could only get back to my happy place....

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