Tuesday, March 24, 2009

yoou hoo over here. yup. still here.

Hey Kids,
so um,. it's uh spring. ok i suck. i promise i'll have this up soon. a newly designed blog site to clog up the interwebs and add to your RSS feeds! yessssss. aren't you excited?
I have good reasons. really.
so um. i'm kinda having to be on my best behavior at work. yeah that whole bad reviews and i won't get into it or else i'll end up crying and throwing things and in the fetal position under my desk rocking back and forth saying things like she doesn' t even know where the fuck her godamn transfer folder is yet i get a fuckin 2- rating!?!!
good thing i currently only work 1 job, ditched grad school and am single, so i can spend extra hours in the office and then head to the gym where i am on a search to find my collarbone!
yes, my collarbone. or as some might put it- trying to get this fat off my body. yeah mother natures 31st birthday gift to me was a slow as fuck metabolism. and 10 fuckin pounds to boot.
seriously. it used to be you gain a couple pounds over the holidays, then you live off oatmeal and veggie soup and hit the gym for a few days and voila, back to normal. oh ho ho noooo not anymore. nooooope. go to the gym every day, keep track of every thing you eat in an excel spreadsheet and have a good looking guy pinch your fat. no, thats not something kinky. one of our trainers here at work is good looking and part of the class i'm enrolled in is doing this body comp where he takes out calipers and pinches my bare flesh. in several locations. so yeah, the last guy to see my bare middrift pinched it with a claw like device. hot. welcome to my life.

chubby girl on egg shells at work. awesome.

I've also been trying to get my condo clean and stuff. its quit a feet. when your dad says to you "you might want to clean it up so you can have some guests over of the male persuation" (yes, my dad talks all classy and articulate like that in a NY accent). so when your dad is essentially saying. dude, your place is a friggin stye, no man would want to come over to this mess. or no wonder you're not getting any boo taye - if you want a man you gots to gets this crib ca leeean ya dig? ..well then you know its time to start making a dent in things.
plus i am still pondering the plan to rent it out and move to da city.

so in essence...i'm alive. just, ya know. blah.

so I will def have this blog revamped so that i can have a fun outlet and stuff. just you wait and see! i'll get you my pretty! and your little dog too!

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