Friday, January 2, 2009

bring it on 09!

bring it on 09!
yes that was part of some text messages I may have sent to some folks in not the most sober of states this new years. I don't normally quote cheerleading movie titles (admit it., you saw it!) whilst juxtaposing a new year messgae but hey, it's 09.
And I am actually at work. one of the few, the proud, the ones who actually have work. deadlines. which will earn them a 1.81% raise. sigh. so you can probably guess what one of my resolutions may be for 09.
And I'm already falling behind on some resolutions already since this site hasn't been revamped- but that's b/c I'm busy putting together bafana packets for folks. also known as" i- totally- didn't get -my -xmas -cards -out- in- time,- but- thankgod- i'm- italian- so -i- can -say- i'm- celebrating- la -befana- on- tuesday- and- send -out- cards- then". so there. procastiantion and Social faux pas saved by heritage! yess!
But hey, I took the bike rack off my car. and i will lose weight by doing so. how come? b/c w/out the prong like device sticking out the rear of my mini i can't find my car in the parking lot amongs a sea of land yahts. I'll just have to make sure i don't look lost and vunerable like those women in those brochures for self defence classes.
I'm going to save the babble about my hopes and dreams and resolv for the new year- b/c you'll most likely hear about them somehow along the way. Instead I leave you with thes images. why oh why did i not get these as gifts for my bday/xmas this year?

the huggie arm is like what mormon girls give each other instead of vibrators. lonely tonight? don't have a man? Do I have something for YOU! ..and then you can look at the statue and to get tips on what you would be doing if you weren't being hugged by a stuffed arm.

only 2700 bucks on! does anyone else wonder what the little boys face looks like or is that just creepy? this could make a lovely gift for your local pastor. Its kids, its a sculpture! fine ok its bronzed image of lil kids ya know...birds n bees-ing.
now, if you don't have 2700 bucks to throw down, but you're still looking for a "fun" gift, well look no further my friends than the Horn Dog Marshmellow or Hot Dog Roasters!

something tells me these may not be appropriate for campfires at bible camp...
I'm sure you can mix it up and put marshmellows on the male stick figure and hot dogs on the lady's prongs. thus resulting in a male with a white goop crotch and a lady with torpedo boobs. so its like doing stick figure over the campfire- ooh shadow puppet reanctment of the tommy lee and pamela anderson video! oh and who ever said camping was good clean fun never had a horndog cooker and an imagination! leave the pron at home and bring these camping!

And no, I'm not still drunk from Wednesday. All work and no play make gina a punchy girl. or really offensive. whatevs. if you want a bafana packet and have yet to give me your addrss, there is still time! email me and I will get something to you in the mail next week.

1 comment:

Tanyar said...

i'm totally buying those horndog things and putting rocket boobs on the lady.
that mans arm/torso thing is terrifying. why is he built backwards? what's WRONG with mormons?
