Wednesday, February 23, 2011 1 comments

We now return to your regularly scheduled blog

For those who use to follow this blog, welcome back! Yes, it's been a while. Very long while. But hey I'm back and see... I uh changed the template layout... so it's um. Not that big of a difference.
Hey, I've been tweeting. that's considered by some to be microblogging. See, the word Blog is in there. And I keep sketching out these funny stories and by sketching I mean really crappy sketches that look like a 2 year old with 3 fingers on its right hand high on meth would draw.
But soon I will have some comicy stories up. So prepare yourself. I'll give you a little teaser--the story is called "I can see Cuba on your back!" It's a story about using self tanner the day before your sisters wedding and other interesting events that ensued. Are you enticed yet? oh yeah. it's going to be awesome. as long as your expectations are low. like really low. like a haircut form a defective flowbee being operated by a man with hook hands.