Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ooof... and good times.

So for the first time in a while I am sick. not mentally. well, some would say I am always mentally ill, but yeah, mucus fest 08 is happening in my head and lungs. it's pretty hot. hacking cough, going through 2 boxes of kleenex, looking like a zombie from shuan of the dead. good times. I say I rarely get sick b/c all of the cold/flu meds in my med cabinet expired in 06. oops.
God my body has the worst friggin timing ever. hey let's get sick right before ass tons of work is due for class, less than 2 weeks before finals and a week before thanksgiving. and and..woth all this soup eating I haven't lsot any friggin weight. seriously. that's the only benefit of being sick!
And now when I blow my nose blood comes out. awesome. so I googgoel bloody sneezes. and i love wiki answrs repsosne to what happens when i sneeze blood?
I'll save ya the click:
Answer: You probably have a deviated spetum bleed often caused my using massive amounts of Cocaine.
..ah if only...
so if you go food shopping when you feel like ass you will buy enough canned soup to make a mormon jealous.

signs you are 30..or getting old:
you now shop for anti wrinkle creams instead of anti zit creams.
you spend 3 hours in the grocery store on a sunday in your velour tracksuit
you get hit on in the public library

Disney- it really is a magical place....
So a couple eyars ago my family vistied Disney in Florida for my Uncle Mike's suprise 40th Birthday. Although I had a great time with the family, I was almost freaked out by the magicalness of it all- meaning, how freakin friendly people were. cleaning crews singing along on trams on their way to clean rooms, how everyone smiled and said Have a Magical day!- from the fron desk operator to the bus driver to cast member in the park. It was almost bizarre to have people so happy. it was refreshing yet pod like. the quasi hippie in me wanted to dismiss disney and all its' commercialism. but the little kid in me who at that time secretely needed a big hug was happy to be greated with smiles as we pushed my brother and mom along in their wheelchairs throughout our disney adventure.

So I was actually looking forward to this almost sacharin like atmosphere when we embarked upon disney this past weekend to celebrate my Mom's 60th birthday. Between incredible stresses at school and work (I'm currently off the books at RB...) monies and life in general, I was atcually looking forward to a friendly smile, a goofy joke and someone telling me to have a magical day. If anything is a sign that the world is in the crapper, it's Disney. apparantly the magical world is not immune to the nasties of the outside world. and the guests at the park didn't help with the loss of the magical experince. hey look, a guy in a scooter, let's walk in front of him! don't get me worng, it wasn't horrible, it was american tourist vacation spot, instead of the house that walt built, the magic kingdom. I wanted the employees to go back to drinking the kool-aide that made everyone smile. but we were with family and that was the best part. and speaking of family and best parts...I have some awesome news. My brother proposed to his girlfriend, Caitlin in front of Cinderella's castle during the fireworks display. we were accidenentally there for it. we had no idea..ok well, I did have a dream over the weekend that he would propose in front of the castle. but I didn't want to say anything b/c I didn't want to seem like i was bugging my brother .
I am wicked excited to have caitlin as a future sister in law. she already feels likw family. she is such an amazing person. she has been there for my brother every step of the way- every operation, radiation treatment, etc. as my parents said, marirage is for better or worse, and you've already been through the worst, so here is to the best! and i coudn't agree more ;) I'll post pics soon.
This year it's a combo festivus and bon voyage party for Lorien and Scott. they head to West By God (aka west virginia) mid decemeber so scott can work an internship. so we're having festivus a little earlier and icnluding their sendoff in it. and we're having it at Heather's old house in Burke this year b/c well, the cops being called last year kinda blew- and sinec my neighbor still lives downstairs from me...yeah we're having it elsewhere. if you need to be added to the evite- i totally apologize if i inadvertantly left you off- my brain is being controlled by snot monsters- lemme know and i shall add you. But it shall be a good time. noshings, libations, good times by all.

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