Friday, October 3, 2008

happy birthday you sexy pagan

So today is Heathers B day! yay! another year closer to being an AARP member! So she's having a b day party saturday night and you should come. Yes you and you...and o why the heck you too. It's in burke. I know, gasp. the suburbs! but come out. drink, be merry, not mary, she doens't like competition. even if you don't know heather, just come. she said so. and that's really the only reason you need. and bring hot single men. I know, they are an endangerd speices in these parts. they take careful bate, like free alcohol to lure them in.

oh and tonight there is some show at red and black about girls in rock. its like 8 bucks. sounds fun- anyone wanna go?

Oh so thinking about Heather's b day, I started thinking about my own fate, and what I wanted and I thought...I could really use an f'in nose job. but these things aren't cheap- so I was thinking...what if i had it covered by insurance b/c it was considred reconstructive surgery? like what if my nose suddenly by some freak accident got shattered into a million peices? so, for my birthday, please help me in this plan, just make sure i'm really drunk so I don't feel the pain, and don't do the whole make my bone peirce my brain. b/c then i'd die and that's really uncool.

So speaking of surgery- have you ever wanted to get a labatomy? or know someone who could use one? well my friend, work for places such as indymac and most home appraisers and you get them for free!! yeah...not a good week for me.

So speaking of scary things- so I came up with a halloween costume idea- but after doing some research from the original characters the outfit I'd have to wear is um a wee bit revealing. halloween and skantaly clad outfits? no way! Ok so seriouyly folks, halloween has tunred from funny, clever, and most importantly scary costumes into a big ol slutfest. am I going to a halloween party or to springbreak beach party? you name it they have a slutty verison fo the costume: or rather "sexy". such as: sexy cop, sexy UPS driver, sexy nurse, sexy sanitation engineer- that one is wicked hot! b/c nothing says pagan holiday fun like showing your ass cheeks to a crowd of rabid douchebags. seriouly ppl have some friggin creativity. but then again, no one ever took the smart creative girl home.

So I need to re start my perpetual diet in order to fit into this outfit w/out having to wear a bodystocking underneath. i figure being poor is a good diet regime. for exampel i discovered a really great recipe for poor man's sushi the other day. here are the ingredients: sushi rice + imagination. yup. as you are spooning the sushi rice into your mouth via free carry out chopsticks, think of past memories of ahi grade tuna and avacado. mmm. ...those were the days...

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